Parnell skews the legislature and rams through oil tax cut.
I feel Senate Bill 21, the oil tax measure was dreamed up by the three major oil producers, ConocoPhillips, Exxon Mobil and BP and has been "shoved down our throats by Gov. Sean Parnell, that nice young man with the mouth that smiles and the steely eyes." (quote from Malcolm Roberts, former Hickel aide.
Parnell, who once worked as a lawyer and a registered lobbyist for ConocoPhillips clearly has an interest in serving his former employer. Two Republican senators who currently work for Conoco: Peter Micciche and Kevin Meyer asked the Senate to recuse them from voting on the tax bill. Sen. Cathy Giessel whose husband is deeply tied to oil production should have joined in too. Present rules mandate that if any one member of the body objects, the request for recusal must be refused. In this orchestrated political ballet, of course there were objections. And the bill passed by, you guessed it: 2 votes. They could have voted "no" to preserve their integrity. Boy am I dreaming; the power of the big oil hold on Alaska legislators is mega-uber.
The 2012 redistricting knocked off three Democratic senators and surely helped change this oil tax vote. The oil tax bill pushed by Gov. Parnell failed in the Senate last year.
Check out this article: Big oil employees steer SB21 through the legislature
The governor, the oil companies and all their lackies then revved up the "spin"-ning wheels with talking points touting "new development, big exploration plans and crews heading north". Much of this planning is too far reaching and was started under ACES.years ago
SB 21 threatens Alaska’s Constitution (article 8 obligates the state to manage resources for our public interest and our way of life.) We need an honest legislature and a new Governor. Both who would listen and follow the will of their constituents not some trumped up poll or alleged survey. As owner-residents of Alaska we shouldn't put up with another four years of state control by legislators and a governor that steals from the public and gives our resource wealth to their own companies.